Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc., now have billions of monthly users meaning your customers are on there.

This is why many businesses are beginning to take advantage of the crowd on social media to sell directly on top platforms like Facebook.

Therefore, with many businesses seeing the importance of social media, you already have yourself a competition. In fact, Facebook data shows there are about 90 million small businesses on the platform already.

With this size of the competition, you would agree with me that if you want to sell directly on Facebook, you need a different approach from the conventional ways your competitors are using.

Hence, to make your selling on the most prominent social media platform successful, you should use certain features and tools to automate your sales and marketing cycle.

As Facebook requires the use of unique apps to sell and promote to keep spammers out, one of the best marketing tools that you can use to significantly boost sales and engagement in record time is Zebrabuzz.

While it is possible to sell directly on Facebook, you should do it the right way! There is no point in selling on Facebook and suffering the same fate most businesses suffer or having unsatisfied customers.

You can easily integrate all the Zebrabuzz chatbot marketing tools into your Facebook business page, and you will provide a different and better service to your customers.

As selling in the 21st-century goes beyond simply exchanging products for money and extends to things such as personalised adverts, building long-lasting customer relationships, generating quality leads, etc., you can, therefore, look forward to many more features of this web marketing tool.

You are dealing with such margins with the competition that the little things you do to differ from the competition is key to how successful you are.

Tips to sell directly on facebook

Helpful Tips to Sell Directly on Facebook

Facebook offers one of the best shopping opportunities for you as a business owner. This is because while people chat and socialise with their loved ones, they can also shop for products without leaving the platform.

As they use the platform for leisure and fun, they usually don’t want to leave, which is why users want a business that can sell directly to them on Facebook without having to redirect them away.

Taking them away from Facebook means disturbing or distracting them, and this alone can discourage customers from patronising you.

To sell your products directly on Facebook, here are some easy steps that you can follow:

  • Create a Facebook Business Page
  • Use the Zebrabuzz E-Commerce in Messenger Virtual Store
  • Post Content Regularly
  • Sell Via Facebook Messenger
  • Keep your Customers Engaged

Create a Facebook Business Page

It does not take much to create a business page. Creating a Facebook business page on Facebook is Facebook Marketing 101, whether you want to use your e-commerce website, or you want to sell directly on Facebook.

You also need a functioning Facebook page to link your profile with the Zebrabuzz e-commerce in Messenger virtual store.

When you have a business page set up on Facebook, it gives you a little bit more credibility. As potential customers navigate to your profile and see that you have a business account, they are more motivated to check your products out.

Do not make the mistake of selling with your personal account.

Use the Zebrabuzz E-Commerce in Messenger Virtual Store

Use Zebrabuzz e-commerce in Messenger virtual store to sell directly on Faceboolk

As stated earlier, Zebrabuzz has a feature known as e-commerce in Messenger. When integrated into your Facebook page, it allows you to sell products directly on Facebook.

When your customers see a product on your page and like it, they click on it. Instead of taking them away from Facebook (which they do not like), it opens up your store right there on Facebook.

They can then check more details about the product and also go on to buy the product. It has a user-friendly interface that enables customers to navigate through your store seamlessly.

To find out more about how to create the Zebrabuzz e-commerce in Messenger virtual store, read the blog on it here.

Post your Contents Regularly

To sell directly on Facebook means you have to be consistent and regular with the frequency of your posts.

Remember your Facebook posts are like your product catalogue. This is where your customers see what you have for sale. Therefore, you need to ensure they are not scanty as you will be selling directly on your page.

Even if you want to redirect your customers to your e-commerce website, you need posts that can convince them to click and go to your site. Therefore, consistent posts are very important if you want to sell directly on Facebook or e-commerce sites.

However, manually posting on your Facebook page requires a lot of work that you no longer need to go through.

It can be tedious trying to get hundreds of marketable posts on your Facebook page. Sometimes you may forget or may simply not be up to the task.

If you hire someone to do the job for you, remember they are humans, just like you too, which means they’re vulnerable to the same problems.

Nevertheless, to sell directly on Facebook, you no longer have to post manually. Zebrabuzz can automate the whole process for you.

You can now make as many marketable posts as you want. 100? Check. 1000? Check. Thankfully, Facebook is a social media platform that supports media content.

Zebrabuzz’s E-commerce in Messenger feature has a tool known as Social Poster. It can post as many posts as you want to as many social media platforms as you desire.

This means it does not have to be Facebook alone. You can sell directly on Facebook and any other platforms with this tool.

You can also schedule posts that you want to be made later on. You can schedule posts that will be made in one week, a month, or even a year if you want.

Therefore, you no longer have to be online for your business to be active! Your products can always be live consistently, which will drive more people to your page, increase traffic and engagements, which will increase sales.

Sell Via Facebook Messenger

you can sell directly via Facebook messenger

Marketing involves a conversation with your customers. Facebook Messenger is Facebook’s instant messaging feature that allows you to send and receive real-time messages.

You can also use it to sell products. Not only can you send and receive messages, but different payment options have also been integrated on it to make buying and selling easy.

Most people use Facebook Messenger to hail taxis, order food, among many other things. However, asides these other features, the primary feature of real-time conversation can work for you to sell directly to your customers on Facebook.

Your customers can chat with you, ask for the price of products, possibly negotiate and complete the buying process right there by directly speaking with you.

This is also a great way to build long-lasting relationships with your customers. But the question that bugs the mind is, how many customers could you possibly reply to?

When you have multiple messages, it isn’t easy trying to sell to everybody at the same time, and once one customer feels left out or abandoned, they will lose interest in buying.

Customers could also message at odd hours when you are most likely sleeping. Do not be deceived; they will still expect an immediate response.

Even if they do not expect one, by not replying, there is the risk that you would have lost them to your rivals once you eventually get the chance to reply.

However, this does not have to be the case for you; you can have your Zebrabuzz chatbot engage your customers all the time.

The chatbot is available 24/7 to receive and reply to messages in real-time. If you have a website, it can also work on it or your app, as well as your email.

The Zebrabuzz chatbot will engage your customers 24/7 and help you sell products directly on Facebook

You can seamlessly engage your customers, sell products, and build massive email lists with the Zebrabuzz chatbot among many other functions.

The chatbot also uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) so that it can simulate conversations in the most natural way possible.

While it is possible to sell directly on Facebook, you need to do something differently from what the millions of businesses on there are doing. This will make you different.

These unique Zebrabuzz features, among many other features and tools, will significantly automate the process of direct selling on Facebook to drive up your sales and engagement in a whole different and better way.

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